Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the purpose of this blog?

Throughout the semester there will be a lot going on that will shape your future as a pharmacist. In fact, right this very minute the federal government is trying to reshape the face of health care in America. What role will pharmacists have in this new reality? Is the voice of pharmacy being heard in Washington? Or more pertinent to you as a future pharmacist, will I have a job when I graduate.

From the time I was a pharamcy student here at the COP I have always regretted that I was too busy with classwork to pay attention to the world around me. My sole focus was on my course work and trying to survive the avalanche of details the professors expected me to memorize.

I found after grauation that there had been so much going on to shape MY future as a pharamcist, yet I felt like I missed out on all the action.

I will use this space to post things that might be of interest to you from a variety of viewpoints. Some will be just plain weird, wild, or wacky. (like the nurse that got busted for stealing the Drugesic patches from dead nursing home patients). Some may be thought provoking, and some may anger or frustrate you.

I hope you enjoy this feature. This blog will replace a section I set up previously called "I'll Get Back to You."

I welcome your comments.

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