Much has been said about an alleged incident involving a Florida Gator football player trying to gouge out the eyes of an opposing player. In the EBP course, we are embarking on a new discussion: Quality Improvement in Health care.
You may not know that these principles are not restricted to the Health Care Industry. Yes, that's right: in our everyday world we can applytechniques shown to improve health care outcomes to, let's just say, eye gouging.
One of the first steps in the QA process is to do a thorough review of the literature. We must try to find others who have faced the same problem and have made progress towards its solution. Follow this link to see some pointers on how this should be done:
Saudia Arabian Court Orders Eye to Be Gouged Out
Please note that this punishment was ordered for a migrant worker for his part in a brawl. Do you see the parallel: Football? Brawl? Check it out.
You may not know that these principles are not restricted to the Health Care Industry. Yes, that's right: in our everyday world we can applytechniques shown to improve health care outcomes to, let's just say, eye gouging.
One of the first steps in the QA process is to do a thorough review of the literature. We must try to find others who have faced the same problem and have made progress towards its solution. Follow this link to see some pointers on how this should be done:
Saudia Arabian Court Orders Eye to Be Gouged Out
Please note that this punishment was ordered for a migrant worker for his part in a brawl. Do you see the parallel: Football? Brawl? Check it out.
Yes, but don't forget about the late hit on Tim Tebow... the ref should have called that. Now let the SEC stiffle the QA process by fining and suspending me for my constructive criticisms.